“Do you understand that you’re the only one that controls everything about you?”
From the above quote, we understand that there are things we can control and things we cannot control. Only we can control everything about ourselves, not others. Lately, I often come across the term “Quarter Life Crisis,” which may be familiar in this day and age.
According to research conducted by LinkedIn in 2017, quarter life crisis is a phenomenon experienced by most individuals aged 25-33 years. The study involved 6,014 participants from various countries such as America, England, India, and Australia. The results showed that about 75% of participants had experienced a quarter life crisis, with the average age of experiencing it being 27 years.
Why Does Quarter Life Crisis Occur?
One aspect that often causes anxiety in quarter life crisis is finding a desired job or career. About 61% of participants reported feeling anxious about this. Additionally, 48% of participants, especially women, felt anxious because they tended to compare themselves with more successful peers.
From this research, it can be seen that in the young adult phase, individuals often face various challenges and difficulties when making decisions related to career, finances, relationships, and other aspects related to their developmental tasks. Added to this digital era, we can easily see various achievements of others, which ultimately, without realizing it, makes us compare our achievements with those of others.
These challenges can trigger feelings of helplessness, uncertainty, doubt, and fear that are common and known as quarter-life crisis.
How to Overcome It?
This can be addressed in various ways, one of which is by using an existential humanistic psychology approach, namely by applying positive psychology in our lives. From the case above, the best solution is to control ourselves as best we can. We always compare ourselves to others. And that is not good for us.
In this existential humanistic psychology perspective, it relates to the logotherapy theory proposed by Victor Frankl. He was left behind by his family who became victims of Nazi crimes at that time. And also, always seeing prisoners tortured and killed cruelly in the camp. The horrific memories he experienced remained etched in his memory, but he was able to take advantage of these experiences in a constructive way.
Logotherapy is an approach in psychology that places the meaning of life as its core concern. Some ways to find more meaning in life during the quarter life crisis phase include:
1. Find meaning in what we do in life
It can be with us having dreams of studying abroad or other simple things that can be our reason to continue to do our best in life.
2. By finding the meaning of life from an experience or someone.
It can be by calming ourselves first, walking in the countryside, or just eating delicious food in the middle of the night. So, we don’t need to chase uncertain happiness. Just remember what can make us happy, no matter how small it is.
3. Finding the meaning of life from the suffering we feel.
We can use this suffering as motivation to change the circumstances that make us suffer.
Quarter life crisis can be overcome if we have awareness of the things we can control and cannot control. Reflecting on ourselves first to identify personal strengths and neglected interests is important to do.
Knowing yourself deeply can help determine the desired direction and build satisfaction. Try to be more focused and establish communication. And most importantly is to love yourself first. Also, let’s not compare our achievements with others, because everyone’s life path is different. We don’t need to run to achieve what we want.
LinkedIn Corporate Communications. (2017, November 15). New LinkedIn research shows 75 percent of 25-33year olds have experienced quarter-life crises. LinkedIn Pressroom. https://news.linkedin.com/2017/11/new-linkedin-research-shows-75-percent-of-25-33-year-olds- have-e
Budiarti, R. M. (2021, Mei 17). Fenomena quarter life crisis. Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur Provinsi Jawa Timur. Diakses pada 27 Juni, 2022, melalui http://rsjmenur.jatimprov.go.id/post/2021-05 17/fenomena-quarter-life-crisis
(Sumanto, 2006)Sumanto. (2006). Sumanto. Kajian Psikologis Kebermaknaan Hidup, 14, 119– 120.